Clear Choices for Your Purpose
We’ve simplified the process into two distinct goals that all investors strive for: building wealth and preserving wealth. While each client has their own unique portfolio based on their individuals goals, we divide our accounts into these two strategies. Let us help choose the right one for your path.

Wealth Building Strategy
Depending on where you are in your wealth building cycle, Maclura works closely with you to develop a customized investment plan to help you reach your retirement goals. These strategies utilize a mix of emerging, thriving, durable, and cyclical growth equity stocks to help minimize risk while maximizing growth for your assets.

Wealth Preservation Strategy
As you transition into your retirement age, preservation of wealth becomes of utmost importance. At Maclura, we develop a custom portfolio primarily of durable growth companies providing dividend income. This is complemented with thriving growth companies to help provide some wealth growth with a lower risk profile than the wealth building strategies.